Daniel Elias

 Daniel Elias had been retired for seven years, before he died in December 1928 and was buried at Bethel.

Born in 1862, in Carmarthen, Daniel was the younger son of William and Sarah Elias.

Sarah was Griffiths before her marriage in 1844 at St. Peters church, Carmarthen to William Elias

At the time of the 1871 Census, the Elias family was living at 7 Southern Row, Llangynwr, Carmarthen.

1871 Census

William, 47 was employed as a Chemical Works Labourer.  His wife Sarah, 42 was employed as a Warehousewoman.

Their daughter, Mary, 18 was also employed as a Warehousewoman.  John, their 15-year-old was also employed as a Chemical Works Labourer.  Their two younger sons, William, 13, and Daniel, 9 attended school.

A decade later, at the time of the 1881 Census, the family is still living at 7 Southern Row.

1881 Census

William, now 61, is the Foreman in the Chemical Works, Mary who is 59.  They both have added a few years to their ages!

Three of their children still live at the address. Mary, 34.  John, 24 is employed as a Charcoal Maker whilst Daniel, 16 is employed as Cabinet Maker.

1891, at the time of the census, only living at the property, is Sarah, 68, who is a laundress, and Daniel, 25 is still a Cabinet Maker.

1891 Census

Whilst at the same time William is residing at 6 Danybank, St. Peters, Carmarthen

1891 Census

William died in 1899 and Sarah died in 1900.

Swansea Prison at the time of the 1901 Census, where Daniel is.  Not as a prisoner, but as a Prison Officer.  At the time of the census, both men and women were jailed here, and it wouldn't be until 1922, that it would be just a men's prison.

1901 Census

1911 Census, now married Daniel is living at 4 Crole Street

1911 Census

Daniel, 45, is employed as a Prison Warden. His wife is Sarah June, 44.  Their daughter is Dorothy Mary, 8.

1921 Census the family is still residing at 4 Crole Street.

1921 Census

Daniel is now 56, and a Prison Warden. whilst Sarah is 54.

Their daughter Dorothy M., 19 is employed as Laundry Clerk at Swansea Baths & Laundry Company.

South Wales Daily Post

Daniel's death was reported in the South Wales Daily Post, in December 1928

Sarah now widowed at the time of the 1939 Register is still living at the address, with her daughter and son-in-law.

1939 Register


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