Clifford Laurence Cornelius


Sketty Methodist Chapel
The First World War ended on the 11th of November 1918, one of the last soldiers from Swansea who was to be killed during the conflict was Stephen Lamont who came from Sketty.

Stephen Lamont

Stephen Lamont
Ors Communal Cemetery
credit - findagrave
Lamont was killed on the 4th of November, at the Battle of the Sambre.  The battle was fought at the River Sambre.  Stephen served with the Manchester Regiment, one of the officers who lost his life during the battle was the notable poet, Wilfred Owen.  Both Stephen and Wilfred are buried at Ors Communal Cemetery.

Lamont's name is also commemorated on the war memorial at Sketty Methodist Chapel.

Also commemorated on the memorial is Clifford Cornelius.

Clifford Cornelius died on 14th December 1918 and is buried at St. Pauls.

Clifford served with the London Regiment (Prince of Wales’ Own Civil Service Rifles), 15th Battalion.  The Commonwealth War Grave Commission doesn’t provide much more information.  So, what further information is there about Clifford?

Clifford Laurence Cornelius was born in 1896.  He was the son of Thomas and Mary J. Cornelius nee. Ellis They were married in 1888. 

1891 Census

The 1891 Census records that Thomas, 28, and Mary, 26, reside at 1 Lewis Place, Sketty.  Thomas is employed as a Furnaceman, they have a daughter 1 year old Elsie.  Also, present is 18-year-old Georgina Cornelius, sister-in-law of Thomas.

Sadly, in December 1899, Mary died.

1901 Census

By the time of the 1901 Census, widowed Thomas is residing with his parents in law home, 1 Victoria Terrace, Uplands.

John Ellis, 58, is a Gardener (Domestic).  Margaret, 58 is John’s wife.  Their children are Margaret, 34, Dressmaker; William, 25, Coachman and Arthur, 21, Solicitor’s Clerk.  Also, present is Jane Jones, 58, sister-in-law, who is a Retired Housemaid.  Thomas Cornelius, 38, is a Furnaceman.  His children are Elsie, 10; Dorothy, 7 and twins 4-year-old Clifford and Gladys.

1911 Census

Both Clifford and Gladys are still living with their grandparents, 1 Victoria Street, Uplands, at the time of the 1911 Census.  John, 68 is still a Gardener; Margaret, 74.  William, 35 their son is a Colliery Man.  Gladys, 18 is Assisting at the Home, and Clifford is a Clerk.

Attestation Papers

1st December 1915, Clifford Laurence Cornelius enlisted and served with the London Regiment.  Clifford signed up for the duration of the war.  His records that from December 1915 to June 1916, he was at Home, and then to November 1916 served in France then August 1917 served at Salonika, and then finally until September 1917 was back at Home.

South Wales Daily Post
Clifford was discharged from the army, having been gassed twice, in February 1918, and returned to his civilian occupation before the war, as a clerk for Mr. John Bevan, a shipbroker. 

Clifford Laurence Cornelius
St. Pauls, Sketty
credit - findagrave

Clifford died in December 1918 at his home 38 Coed Seasons, Sketty; his funeral was at Wesley Chapel with burial at St. Pauls.


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