Summer Olympics 2024........1908

2024 marks the XXXIII Summer Olympics held at Paris, France. 204 nations would be completing in the Games.   Paris was host to the 1900 Summer Olympics and there were a further 3 other games held in France – 1924 Winter Olympics, Chamonix; 1968 Winter Olympics, Grenobie and 1992 Winter Olympics, Albertville with the 2030 Winter Olympics also to be held at the French Alps.

This blog we go back to the 1908 Games.

Program for the
1908 Summer Olympics
1904 Rome had been selected as location ahead of London, Berlin and Milan to hold the 1908 Summer Olympics, officially known as Games of the IV Olympid, however, during 1906 Mount Vesuvius erupted and claimed 100 lives, the games had to be relocated on financial grounds so, London was chosen.  The Games were then known as London 1908.

The Games began on the 27th April 1908 lasting till the 31st October, a total of 187 days, these were the longest Games in the modern Olympic history.  22 Nations completed.  Overall Great Britain won 56 Gold, 51 Silver and 39 Bronze medals, followed by United States with 23, 12 and 12 medals.

There is of course a connection with Swansea.

Swansea docker Alfred T. Yeoumans.  The Cambrian, first reported about Yeoumans December 1906, when Yeoumans, the Swansea and All England walker, was going to go on Tour in America and the Continent.  However, this didn’t seem to have taken place.

The Cambrian
December 1906

February 1907, as reported in The Cambrian, the A.A.A. Committee Postpone Consideration. Later that year, August, The Cambrian, Yeoumans suffered some bad luck when the track that he competed on had been miss measured and that Yeoumans exhibitions were 118 yards short!

The Cambrian
February 1907

Yeoumans still had further bad luck during 1907, when The Cambrian reported October 1907, Yeoumans had been sent to prison having neglected his wife.

The Cambrian
October 1907

September 1908, The Cambrian reported that Yeoumans had broken two records at Leicestershire

The Cambrian
September 1908

Alfred Yeoumans had been selected for the Olympics, to complete in the 3500m, however, he was disqualified.  The Gold Medal being won by George Edward Larner.

Who was Alfred Yeoumans?

Alfred Thomas Yeoumans was born 1877, Enderby, Leicestershire to Thomas Yeomans and Alice Nightingale Elliot.

1911 Census

By the time of the 1911 Census, Alfred, 34, a Dock Labourer is living with his wife of two years, Dora Wark nee. Lucas, 23, and his two children, Alfred Frank Lucas, 2 and Clifford Thomas Lucas at 11 Chesshyre Street, Brynmill.  Home of Jane Davies, whom was widowered by 1911.

1939 Register

September 1939, Alfred and Dora and recorded on the 1939 Register as living at 3 Dyfed Avenue.  Alfred’s occupation is listed as Transport Worker.

The two sons, Alfred Frank Lucas and Clifford Thomas Lucas, are casualties of war.

Alfred was ranked as a Fireman & Trimmer, on board S.S. Baron Carnegie.  11th June 1941, S.S. Baron Carnegie, was torpedoed by a German aircraft and sunk, 15 miles W. of St. Davids Head, she was passage from Swansea to Takoradi, Ghana.  25 crew members of 39 were killed.

Alfred Frank Lucas
Merchant Seamen Deaths

Clifford Thomas Lucas was recorded on the 1939 Register resident at 164 St. Helens Road, with his wife, Sarah nee. Coleman.  They were married October 1935.

1939 Register

Clifford was ranked as Greaser on board S.S. Empire Amethyst.  13th April 1942, S.S. Empire Amethyst, unescorted was torpedoed and sunk by U-154, 40 miles south of Haiti.  All crew members, 47 were lost.

Clifford Thomas Lucas
Merchant Seamen Deaths

Both brothers are commemorated at both the Swansea Merchant Navy Memorial and Tower Hill Memorial.


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