Thomas Morgan & HMS Scott


St. Cattwg church,
Port Eynon
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14th August 1914, Port Eynon. Catherine S. Morgan died aged 30.  She is buried at St. Cattwg, Port Eynon.

Catherine is the daughter of Thomas Morgan and Jane Beynon.

Thomas Morgan and Jane Beynon are married March 1880 at St. Cattwg.  Thomas’ occupation at the time of the marriage is Farmer, residing at Moor-Corner Farm.  They were to be parents to 11 children.  All surviving into adult hood. 

Thomas Morgan and Jane Beynon 
Marriage Certificate

By the time of the 1911 Census. The family are residing at Moor-Corner.  Thomas has added an S to end of the surname!

1911 Census

Thomas, 57, Farmer and Jane, 54.  Also present are children Catherine S., 27, Farmer Daughter Dairy Work; Mary B., 25, Farmer Daughter Dairy Work; Rowland B., 21, Farmers Son Working On Farm; Marget B., 19, Farmers Daughter; Hilda Eliza., 17; Thomas, 16, Farmers Son Working On Farm; William B., 11, School and Lydia Ann, 11, School.

During the First World War, Thomas Morgan, was to serve with the Royal Navy, having served as an Able Seaman on board HMS Scott

HMS Scott
HMS Scott, was a destroyer was launched during 1917, but it wouldn’t be until 1918 that she was completed, HMS Scott was named after the Scottish novelist, Sir Walter Scott, but

August 1918, whilst escorting a small convoy from the Netherlands the destroyer HMS Ulleswater had struck a mine or was torpedoed near the Dutch coast.  Whilst manoeuvring to assist in the stricken ship, HMS Scott was hit twice in quick succession, the first torpedo hitting the forward magazine. HMS Scott suck within 15 minutes with the loss of 22 crewmen, one of whom was Thomas Morgan.

Noordwijk General Cemetery,
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Thomas was buried at Noordwijk General Cemetery, Netherlands, he is also commemorated on the family grave at St. Cattwg.


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