Daniel Richard Baldwin Williams

Daniel Richard Baldwin Williams
Private Daniel Richard Baldwin Williams, who served with the Parachute Regiment, 7th Battalion.

The 7th Battalion was established on the 10th of November, 1942 from the Somerset Light Infantry, 10th Battalion. As Britain was expanding its airborne forces, several infantry battalions were dissolved and reconstituted as parachute battalions. The 7th retained the light infantry designation and initially, only accepted volunteers from light infantry regiments. This policy changed as casualties mounted and the need for replacements rose. It was initially assigned to the 1st Airborne Division, however, was transferred to the 5th Parachute Brigade as one of the core battalions of the newly formed 6th Airborne Division.

The 7th Battalion were parachuted into Normandy on the 6th of June, at 00.50 hrs they began to arrive at the bridges at about 0140hrs, taking up positions in Bénouville and Le Port, west of Caen Canal. With 7th Battalion's arrival, Pine-Coffin succeeded Major Howard to command of the bridges' defence. Despite the scattering of 7th Battalion which left them at 40% strength 7th Battalion held their position against a sustained attack by the German 716th Infantry Division and elements of the 21st Panzer Division until they were finally relieved on the arrival of the 3rd Infantry Division's 2nd Royal Warwickshire Regiment at 2115hrs.

Shortly afterwards, on 10 June, Pine-Coffin was ordered to plan for an operation to take the Le Mariquet woods, which the remnants of the German attacking force had retreated into. Just two of the 7th Battalion's companies were present supported by tanks, but they were successful in taking the woods and captured up to 100 soldiers. The 7th Battalion would continue to be engaged in defensive battles in the are, despite concerns by Pine-Coffin that his Battalion was greatly fatigued, until the Allied breakout to the Seine in August. Finally, in mid-September, the 6th Airborne Division was withdrawn back to Britain to recuperate and re-organise.

During the fight on the 10th of July, Daniel Richard Baldwin Williams, was killed in action.

Daniel, who was 20 years old, was the son of Brynley and Alice Williams, was born in 1924.

The 1939 Register records the Williams family residing at Gwerlas. Dannie’s occupation was recorded as Errand Boy.

1939 Register

December 1943, Daniel married Ellen Elizabeth Davies.

Daniel Richard Baldwin Williams
Ranville War Cemetery
credit - findagrave
Daniel was buried at Ranville War Cemetery.


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