Richard Barry


M.V. Cornish City
The M.V. Cornish City, was a 4,952-ton ship,

On the 29th of July 1943, the M.V. Cornish City, had been dispersed from Convey DN.53, which was travelling from Lourenco Marques to Durban and then on to Aden and finally Suez.  The Cornish City had a cargo of 9,600 tons of coal. At 09.00 hours the M.V. Cornish City (Master Henry Thomas Isaac), was hit amidships by one of two torpedoes from U-177 and sank within one minute southeast of Madagascar. The master, 31 crew members and five gunners were lost. Five crew members and one gunner rescued themselves on rafts, were questioned by the Germans and later picked up by HMAS Nizam (Commander C.H. Brooks, RAN) and landed at Port Louis, Mauritius.

On of the casualties Second Radio Officer Richard Barry.

Richard, who was aged 20 at the time of the sinking was the son of Richard Barry and Anne O’Sullivan.

Having been born after the 1921 Census, Richard isn’t recorded, nor was recorded on the 1939 Register.

The Merchant Seaman Death, records Richard’s death on board the M.V. Cornish City.

Merchant Seaman Death

Richard Barry
M.V. Cornish City
Tower Hill Memorial
credit - Benjidog Histroical Research Resources.
The Merchant Navy Memorial
Richard and the other crew from the M.V. Cornish City are commemorated on the Tower Hill Memorial.


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